How to Play Music through Speakers while Using Headphones

SpeakersTrying to play music through Speakers while using Headphones simultaneously? Find out how to do it by reading this step-by-step guide!

Headphones have undoubtedly become one of the most used devices in the world. Every other person you see owns a set. However, what if you and one of your friends or family members have to listen to music simultaneously? In such a case, sharing the same Headphones is out of the equation. If you want to continue enjoying your music on Headphones, but at the same time want it to be played on Speakers as well; then that can actually be done!

In the past, that may have not been possible to do. But nowadays, many Headphones and even audio players and mobile devices allow this. Moreover, different operating systems such as Windows also comes with this feature.

So without wasting any time, let’s go over some of the steps on how to play music through Speakers while using Headphones:

Method #1: Configure your PC

Configure PCAs long as you make sure that your Headphones are connected and working properly, you can follow a series of simple steps to get your Headphones and Speakers working simultaneously.

  • Go to the “sound” menu from your task bar by right-clicking the icon.
  • Locate the “default device” option in the dialogue box. Most of the times, the Speakers will automatically set to default. If the default device option is greyed out or missing, then Speakers are most probably the default device.
  • In the “recording” tab, you are going to see a list of disabled devices. Right-click that and you will see an option of “show disabled devices”
  • Locate the “stereo mix” option and enable it.
  • Click on the properties tab, and then mark the “listen to this device” on the checkbox.
  • You can now see the Headphones in the drop-down list. Simply select them, apply and enjoy your music!

In most cases, this would work. However, if it doesn’t then check if your speaker is marked as a communicative device or default device.

Method #2: Mobile Devices

Mobile DeviceBefore we look at how you can play simultaneous music on both Speakers and Headphones on mobile devices, note that it doesn’t work on all of them. Although most modern smartphones have this option, it can also depend on a number of factors such as the operating system version. With that being said, to make it work on your mobile device, here are some steps to follow:

  • Make sure your Headphones are properly connected to your mobile device.
  • Navigate to the settings menu of your device and tap on the “sound” options.
  • After entering the sound menu, if you do not see the “default device” option, then scroll down.
  • Once you see the option, tap on it and a list of available devices will appear.
  • Select the “Headphones + speaker” option and save your settings.

You can now simultaneously enjoy listening to music both on your Headphones and Speakers at the same time. If you’re not able to locate the settings we mentioned above, then unfortunately your smartphone doesn’t support it.

Method #3: IDT Audio Driver

Coming back to windows, if you want to solve this issue as quickly as possible, then re-installing the IDT Audio Driver is worth considering. Follow these steps to easily set things up:

  • Locate the “Sound, video & game controllers” option in the device manager.
  • You will find the “Realtek IDT High Definition Audio” option, right-click on that.
  • Click the install button, then press “OK” and you’re good to go.

Make sure that after following these steps, you restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

Method #4: Audio Splitter

Audio SplitterIf nothing works out, you can always use an audio splitter to help you get the job done. The best part about audio splitter is that it might work on your phone as well.

Insert the audio splitter into a jack in your computer. Unplug the speaker jack from its original source and insert it in one of the jacks of the audio splitter and do the same for your Headphones.

This should be more than enough to solve the problem. You can now easily enjoy simultaneous music both on your Speakers and your Headphones. In case you’re wondering where you can get an audio splitter from, simply head to any nearby computer tech shop.


These were some of the simplest steps that you could follow to play music through Speakers while using Headphones. We hope one of these methods if going to work out for you so you’re conveniently able to enjoy blasting your favourite music on your Headphones and at the same time, your family member or friends are able to listen as well.