How to fix Beats Headphones One Side Doesn’t Work

Wondering how to fix Beats headphones when one side isn’t working? Continue reading to find out how you can fix it!

Fix Beats Headphones One SideHeadphones are revolutionary and have become one of the most used devices in the world. As much as they can enhance our music experience, which can truly be annoying is for you to pick up your Headphones, only to find that one side doesn’t work. If this happens to your cheaper Headphones, it might not hurt that much; however, if you’re talking about Beats Headphones then that’s one fo the worst feeling ever!

Beats Headphones are known for their premium quality; but at the same time, they can be heavy on the pocket. The last thing you would want is for one of its sides to stop working. When that happens, your mind may quickly jump towards a technical problem; but this is not always the case. In fact, it may be due to a configuration error, so there’s no need to panic.

So, how can you troubleshoot your Beats Headphones when one side doesn’t work? Let’s go through a couple of simple methods you could follow to make them function properly.

Method #1: Check the Jack

Beats JackAs obvious as it may sound, it happens far too often that people do not properly plug in the Headphones. If the headphone jack is half plugged in, then only one side of your Headphones receives the signals.

If you do think that there’s a connection problem, then just fully unplug the Headphones and re-plug them again in the jack. More often than not, this might just do the trick and solve the problem for you.

Otherwise, if you own Beats Wireless Headphones, then it is worth checking if your Headphones are paired properly. It often happens that only one side of the Headphones gets paired to the Bluetooth, which ends up causing this issue.

Method #2: Device Issues

Another common thing that people often do not pay attention to is if their device is even playing music. You may be thinking that you’ve clicked on the play button; but is your device really generating the audio signals? In such cases, either one side or at times, even both of the sides of your Beats Headphones may not work properly.

You can simply resolve this issue by making sure your device is playing music. Unplug your Headphones and play the music on speakers. If you can’t still hear any sound, then restarting your device can do the trick most of the times. At least by doing so, you would be able to narrow down that there’s nothing wrong with your Beats Headphones, and it is the device that is causing the problems.

Method #3: Audio Setting Configuration

Almost all devices have audio settings configuration options to which you could change according to your requirements. It often happens that when people connect their headphones, they forget to route the sound of the device to Headphones by going through the audio configuration menu.

Therefore, double-checking that whether your device is properly configured for your Beats Headphones is worth checking. Open the menu, and you’re going to see “Headphones” option listed on a drop-down menu. Select that, and you should be good to go.

Method #4: Try a Different Device

Coming from our previous point, if you’ve tried to troubleshoot your device and nothing seems to work, then consider trying a different device. There’s a great chance that your Headphones may not be working properly due to device incompatibility and an outdated operating system.

Although the possibility of this happening is quite low, it is still worth verifying on another device. Connecting your Beat Headphones to another device will help you ensure that whether the problem is related to your device or the Headphones itself.

Method #5: Update Operating System

If your Beats Headphones work fine on another device then the problem most likely lies in your old device’s operating system. Check for any available updates on your device, or if you’re tech savvy enough, then you can even consider opting for manual updates.

All in all, if you’re successfully able to update the operating system, then that should do the trick and your Beats Headphones will start to function again properly.

Method 6: Return to Seller

As disappointing as it may sound, if your issue is still not fixed, then the problem may be with your Headphones. However, Beats Headphones usually have a hassle-free exchange policy, especially if you’re facing a genuine issue. And we believe that there’s nothing more genuine and frustrating than only one side of the Headphones working!

So, make sure that you find your way to the seller so you could get your Beats Headphones exchanged.


We hope now you know how to troubleshoot your Beats Headphones. One side of Headphones not working can be one of the single most frustrating things in the world. So hopefully, one of the methods above will resolve your problem.